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Day 11 - Corruption of the Heart is the Enemy of Holiness

Welcome to 40 Days of Holiness! Today we're dealing with this question: "What keeps me from being holy? What is preventing me from having the 'holiness to God' kind of heart?"


We'll examine today, the sin nature: the corruption that remains in the human heart, even after the New Birth, and we'll examine how it keeps us from higher levels of holiness.

Guided Prayers for Holiness: This 5-minute video prayer for seeking God's holiness in our hearts is designed to give you a specific time of seeking the Holiness of God in your life and heart. 


Prayer: Almighty God, My Father, I recognize that you are holy by nature, and I recognize that I am unholy by nature, from birth! You have been gracious enough to show me my sins & forgive them. Please show me my heart and let me see it clearly. I don't want to hide from you like Adam and deny or rename my nature. I want it to be known, so that it may be transformed. Bring out into your searching Light anything within me that is not like you, so that it may be seen for what it really is and can be dealt with by your grace. Amen.

Looking for answers about the sin nature that keeps us from holiness?

If you're looking for answers about overcoming the sin nature, thanks for checking out this site. Darrell would love to answer questions on his Youtube live stream. The small chat button on the lower right corner of your screen will enable you to ask your question about holiness, and Darrell will get back with you. If you can order your Pursuing Holiness Workbook, just click here to download this PDF Bible study on the Holiness of God in the heart of man.

© 2021 by Darrell Stetler II Ministries, LLC. All rights reserved.

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